Contact us.

Phone: 03333 444 722

Office hours are:
Monday – Friday: 9:00am to 5:30pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Company Number: 08866394
VAT Number: 215 4302 50

Services We Provide

  • Portable Appliance Testing (PAT Testing)

    Portable Appliance Testing (PAT Testing)

    We provide PAT testing, which is a process of regularly inspecting and testing electrical appliances to ensure their safety for use in various settings.

  • Fire Alarm Service & Maintenance

    Fire Alarm Service & Maintenance

    We provide fire alarm servicing & maintenance in buildings to ensure their proper functioning and prompt detection of any potential fire hazards.

  • Fire Extinguisher Service

    Fire Extinguisher Service

    Fire extinguisher servicing to ensure that they are in proper working order and capable of effectively extinguishing fires when needed.

  • Emergency Lighting Test & Maintenance

    Emergency Lighting Test & Maintenance

    Emergency light testing is the inspection and testing of emergency lighting to ensure that they will be functioning in the event of an emergency.

  • Fire Risk Assessments

    Fire Risk Assessments

    We carry out Fire risk assessments to identify potential fire hazards in your building and recommend appropriate measures to minimize the risk of fire.